dimanche 4 juin 2017

Mistress in the distance ( Mme Guyon ? )

How should I present this exercice of mystic poetry ? should I let the discovery of Mme Guyon as an historical character on theology go first or should I better restrain to the present exercice with my art friend Bissecta's channel on youtube ( I have not enough studied her poetry not to send you back there and have a listening, it's scripture, mystical enumeration, heresy prayer and beauty shaping by words, dramatic effect of intelligent women )

you find Bissecta's and Kinsâme's music on the channel here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcs4Kz1t57P5V51KargjGHw

more here https://manuelmonterobilin.wixsite.com/neopobre

or here https://es.scribd.com/document/345316941/Critique-de-Franz-Bardon

or even here https://soundcloud.com/manuel-montero/le-nouveau-peche-29517-2005

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